Attendance Policy

District approved School Practices for the 2024-25 school year.

Attendance Policy

Excused Absences: The law allows absences for illness or medical care, death in the family,
religious holidays, prearranged absences for educational purposes approved by an administrator,
financial reasons and certain other special circumstances or insurmountable conditions. A student
with an excused absence is not subject to any disciplinary or academic penalties.
Absences shall be excused for the following:

  • Illness*, injury, or other insurmountable condition;
  • Recognized (or established) religious holidays and/or religious instruction;
  • Medical appointments;
  • Legal appointments;
  • Participation in an approved activity or class of instruction held at another site;
  • Prearranged absences of educational value with the principal’s prior approval
    (up to 5 days maximum a school year);
  • Pediculosis (head lice) infestation (up to four (4) days per school year); or
  • Catastrophic disasters that significantly impact the life of the student (e.g., loss of
    residence from natural disaster).

    Make-Up Work Policy

    Excused Absences

    Following an excused absence, the students have the responsibility to contact their teachers on the
    next attendance day to obtain any missed assignments. Work assigned during the student’s excused
    absence is due within 5 school days upon return for FULL CREDIT. If work is turned in after 5
    school days, it will be counted as grade of a ZERO.
    Projects or summative assessments assigned and worked on prior to the absence are due the day the student returns to school.

    Unexcused Absences

    An unexcused absence takes place any time a child is out of school for reasons not recognized in the
    law. A student with an unexcused absence is subject to disciplinary or academic penalties and may
    receive make up work for academic practice.

    Make-up Work for Unexcused Absences

    Following an unexcused absence, the students have the responsibility to contact their teachers on the next attendance day to obtain any missed assignments. Work assigned during the student’s
    unexcused absence is due within 5 school days upon return for PARTIAL CREDIT, UP TO
    69%. If work is turned in after 5 school days, it will be counted as grade of a ZERO.


    Tardiness is any arrival to school or class after the bell to begin has sounded without an approved
    excuse. Leaving school early before the end of the school day also falls under this category.
    Tardiness is defined as a student not being in the classroom when the class is scheduled to begin.

    Early Sign-outs

    Students are not permitted to be checked in and out of school by phone call. A parent
    must come to the front office in person.
  1. No students shall be released within the final 30 minutes of the school day unless the
    principal/designee determines it is an emergency.
  2. All schools will establish procedures for early release that ensure that all students are treated
  3. Excessive early sign-outs will be addressed on a case-by-case basis to determine if there is a
    pattern of non-attendance. Non-attendance for instructional activities is established by tardiness,
    early-sign-outs, or absences for all or any part of the day.
  4. Unless excused under the provisions of this policy, accumulated early sign-outs will be recorded as
    unexcused absences. (F.S. 1003.02 (1) (b))